Thursday, August 27, 2015

Learn Anything in 20 Hours!!

 What turns you on?  What lights you up?
Josh Kaufman is an author, teacher and performer.
He delivers his message with humor and music.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Eve Ensler – Embrace Your Inner Girl

Eve Ensler, creator of "The Vagina Monologues", works to end violence against women and girls around the world.  In her TED Talk she declares that all of us, no matter gender or age, have girl cells.  These cells offer us intuition, empathy, compassion, openness, reliability, intensity and vulnerability.  That these cells are vital to the continued evolution of our species and the continuation of the human race.  She tells stories about the resiliency of girls under horrific circumstances from around the world.  She ends this TED talk with a very powerful monologue, "I am an Emotional Creature". 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

"The only way I have ever understood, broken free, emerged, healed, forgiven, flourished and grown powerful is by asking the hardest questions and then living into the answers through opening up to my own terror and transmuting it into creativity.  I have gotten nowhere by retreating into hand-me-down sureties or resisting the tensions that truth ignited."

~ Sue Monk Kidd
Dance of the Dissident Daughter

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happiness is Freedom

"According to the Buddha's teachings, the most basic condition for happiness is freedom. Here we do not mean political freedom, but freedom from the mental formations of anger, despair, jealousy and delusion."
~ Thich Naht Hanh

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Service: The Work of the Soul

Helping, fixing, and serving 
represent three different ways of seeing life. 
When you help, you see life as weak. 
When you fix, you see life as broken. 
When you serve, you see life as whole. 
Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, 
and service the work of the soul.

~ Rachel Naomi Remen

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What is Well-Being?

"Well-being cannot exist just in your own head: Well-being is a combination of feeling good as well as actually having meaning, good relationships and accomplishment.  The way we choose our course in life is to maximize all five of these elements."   ~  Martin E. P. Seligman, PhD

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Often Times

on the border

"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains,

And we never even know we have the key. "

~The Eagles

Lyrics from Already Gone, Album: On the Border (1974)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Seven Blunders of the World

The Seven Blunders of the World is a list that Mahatma Gandhi gave to his grandson Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper, on their final day together, not too long before his assassination. The seven blunders are:

Wealth without work

Pleasure without conscience

Knowledge without character

Commerce without morality

Science without humanity

Worship without sacrifice

Politics without principle

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"The leaders I met, whatever walk of life they were from, whatever institutions they were presiding over, always referred back to the same failure something that happened to them that was personally difficult, even traumatic, something that made them feel that desperate sense of hitting bottom--as something they thought was almost a necessity. It's as if at that moment the iron entered their soul; that moment created the resilience that leaders need.” Warren G. Bennis

Painting: The Magpie, oil on canvas, Claude Monet, 1868-1869

Monet often thought of himself as this magpie sitting alone in a frigid art world as his soul revealed the light of impressionism upon canvas after canvas. Always perceived as one of the leaders of the impressionistic movement, he defined resilience in his time.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice;
it is not to be waited for, but a thing to be achieved.
~ William Jennings Bryan